Headaches are often caused by disorders of the neck or physical and emotional tension. For many people, headaches start as pain or tension at the top of the neck. As the pain worsens, it may spread to the back of the head, temples, forehead or behind the eyes. Moving the neck or bending forward for a long time tends to make it worse. This happens because the nerves in the upper part of your neck are connected to the nerves in your head and face. A disorder of the upper neck or muscles can cause referred pain to your head.
Any of the following points could suggest that your neck may be causing the headache:
- Does the pain radiate from the back to the front of your head?
- Headache with dizziness or light-headedness
- Headache brought on or worsened by neck movement or staying in the same position for a long time
- Headache which always feels worse on the same side of your head
- Headache eased by pressure to the base of the skull
- Headache which persists after your doctor has checked for other causes
Physiotherapy can successfully treat headaches originating from the neck and teach you how to prevent or control the pain naturally. Treatment can include:
- Mobilisation or manipulation of joints in the neck and thoracic spine
- Functional and rehabilitative exercises
- Encouraging normal activity
- Postural assessment, correction and advice
- Massage
We particularly focus on identifying what causes the headache, which often leads to successful self-help strategies in preventing or reducing frequency of further headaches.
* Based on an Australian Physiotherapy Association client education article