Lifting and stooping- the latest in lifting related research


Should we avoid stoop lifting? There has been plenty of lifting related research in the past but none of it is conclusive. We rely on expert opinion that says the squat lift is safer than stoop lifting but recent discussion amongst clinical experts and researchers surrounds other factors being more important than the classic type of described lift when it comes to avoiding injury. The original review of van Dieen at el in 1999 highlights the very little amount of good quality research existing in the area and recent research from Dreischarf et al 2016 has provided data that challenge existing beliefs on lifting.

A summary on our recent masterclass session on the topic of lifting and avoiding injury concluded the following 5 factors were valuable:

  1. Keeping the load close to the body reduces the forces on the lower back more when compared with the type of lift (stoop vs squat).
  2. Strength and conditioning to the chosen method of lifting is important. I.e. if you never stoop lift and then have to because of where the object is then you are more likely to have an injury than if you stoop lifted more often.
  3. The timing of the movement is important. This is a difficult concept to simplify but refers to when the knees and hips straighten during a lift and what the back is doing at the same time. A common observation in the clinic is that over-arching the back during a lift often leads to pain.
  4. Cumulative loading is important. If you sit and slouch through the pelvis for long periods then it will increase your risk when lifting but if you get up regularly and change posture from sitting to standing or walking then the effect of cumulative loading is reduced.
  5. Semi squat lifting places less stress on the knees than the full squat which is important if you have knee pathology. If the timing is correct and you are conditioned to lift this way it remains the optimal choice of lifting.

For those who are interested, the references referred to in this blog are:

Dreischarf et al, 2016. In vivo loads on a vertebral body replacement during different lifting techniques; Journal of Biomechanics. 49(2016):890-895

Van Dieen et al, 1999. Stoop or squat: a review of biomechanical studies on lifting technique; Clinical Biomechanics. 14(1999):685-696


How is your bed mattress treating you?

Sleeping postureHow do you know if your bed mattress is contributing to your back pain?

If you are like most people, you will spend 6-8 hours in bed each day. If your mattress is providing insufficient support for your back, it can aggravate or cause you back pain.

Sleeping postureA mattress with poor support allows your spine to rest in an abnormal position and alters stress on the discs, joints and soft tissue in and around the spine. This can cause pain and stiffness. Identifying if the mattress is a contributing factor for a back problem is an important step in overcoming the problem.

So how do you know if your mattress is causing or aggravating you back problem? Here are some simple points to consider:

  1. If you wake up feeling stiff and sore most mornings this can point toward the mattress as a contributor
  2. Sleep in a different bed as a trial, preferably one with more support, and see if you feel less pain and stiffness

A mattress doesn’t last forever. Flipping your mattress regularly can help maintain your mattress but care is required in doing this. Having said this, sooner or later you may need to purchase a new one. If your mattress is contributing to your back pain you should look for a high quality orthopaedic mattress. Most bedding stores or bedding departments can advise you about mattress quality.

If its not the mattress then you need to see your physio and be assessed.