Lets talk Tendinopathy!
When you think physio, you think bones and muscles…. But what about our tendons? Tendinopathies are a super common injury and correct management is crucial to getting you back out there!

What is a tendinopathy?
Tendinopathy is a condition characterised by the deterioration, inflammation, or irritation of tendons which is the fibrous tissues connecting muscles to bones. It usually develops due to repetitive strain/ overload, stretching or trauma to the tendon.

The do’s of tendinopathy management
✅Do seek professional guidence from your physio if you suspect you are dealing with tendinopathy. We can provide personalised advice and treatment options tailored to your specific needs.
✅Do Manage Pain Levels: During and after exercise, aim to keep your pain levels at a manageable intensity, preferably below 4 out of 10.
✅Beware of Provocative Activities: Activities that involve faster movements, plyometrics (jumping exercises), or excessive stretching can be more provocative for tendinopathy.
The don’ts of tendinopathy management
❌Don’t Stretch a Painful Tendon: Stretching can aggravate the condition and potentially worsen the pain. Instead, focus on gentle movements that promote mobility in the surrounding muscles and joints.
❌Don’t Poke or Rub the Tendon: It’s crucial to avoid direct pressure or rubbing on the tendon as this can further irritate the condition.
❌ Don’t Completely Rest the Tendon: While it may be tempting to rest the affected tendon entirely, it’s important to note that complete rest won’t promote healing or recovery.
Let’s talk tendinopathy today!