Running injuries physiotherapy

Park runs are great to encourage people to exercise together in our community. There is also nothing better for your health than a cardio exercise session and the simplest form is running. If your goal is to participate in park runs then we can help you.  Pain and discomfort with running is not uncommon and often settles as you run or afterwards. However if it increases the further you run or you wake up the next morning still sore with walking you should manage it properly. Careful ice application is always a good strategy followed by reducing your running until we have assessed and helped you understand the problem and what needs to be done to get rid of it.

We have been looking after park runners and long distance runners in Newcastle for over 10 years. We help you manage niggles and pains of running through physical diagnosis, analysis of the way you move and a combination of treatments involving manual therapy, massage, dry needling and careful prescription of exercise to make you stronger for running and more resistant to injury.

Every runner moves differently and we work with your running style. There are several reported ideal types of running such as the pose method but changing your running action can sometimes leads to new injuries. Similarly reducing your stride length is reported to help reduce injuries and there is plenty of varied and sometimes conflicting advice on shoes relative to injures. Whether you need to change your running technique or just get stronger or more flexible in the right places is what we help you understand. We also look at footwear relative to your foot type and running action but don’t want the first step to be expensive new shoes or orthotics unless necessary. To read more on footwear advice, see our blog here.

Running injury physiotherapy assessments are an effective way to help you keep exercising. Don’t put up with pain when you run if you can get rid of it. NU Moves is the uni physio clinic on campus at The Forum Sports Centre. If you need advice contact us.

If you want to learn more, follow the links below to our blog pages full of useful information for runners.

Hunter academy of sport physiotherapists

Physiotherapists for Hunter Academy of Sport