NU Moves Physio was started as a family based business by Jess & Pete Miller in 2004. They recruit the best health professionals with similar beliefs and ethics to help our clients. NU Moves has grown into a clinic that provides an excellent service for all types of sports people, work related injuries and our Newcastle university staff and students. NU Moves Physio is open to the general public whilst the majority of our new clients are recommended by current clients who value the care provided. Jess and Pete have been teaching at The University of Newcastle since 2005 and have a wealth of clinical knowledge that creates a great learning environment for our team of physio’s and clinical students.
All of our physiotherapists are university trained and highly qualified with Physiotherapy degrees. The desire to learn has led our team to greater heights than most with Pete having completed a graduate certificate in education and a Masters physiotherapy degree; Jess has a Masters of Manual therapy degree and is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Council which assesses and accredits the University Physiotherapy programs across Australia; Josh is undertaking his Masters degree in 2023; and our team is involved in collaborative learning with the Discipline of Physiotherapy in teaching students and conducting research in sports injury prevention.
We integrate the best and latest research evidence into our clinical practice so we can achieve better outcomes with our clients. We have recently been involved in collaborative research with The University of Newcastle in the sports of soccer and rugby union.
- Jessica Miller (nee Lincoln). ‘Clinical Instability of the Upper Cervical Spine’, Manual Therapy 5(1) 41-46 (2000).
- Peter Miller & Peter Osmotherly. ‘Facilitatory scapula taping for shoulder impingement; a pilot randomised controlled trial’, MPA conference abstracts (2005)
- Peter Miller, Darren Rivett, & Rosemary Isles. ‘Pattern recognition is a clinical reasoning process in musculoskeletal physiotherapy’, ANZAME09 Handbook, Launceston, NSW (2009)
- Peter Miller & Peter Osmotherly. ‘Does scapula taping facilitate recovery for shoulder impingement symptoms? A pilot randomized controlled trial’, The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 17 E6-E13 (2009)
- Nicole Manvell, Joshua J. Manvell, et al., Tension of the Ulnar, Median, and Radial Nerves During Ulnar Nerve Neurodynamic Testing: Observational Cadaveric Study, PHYS THER. 2015; 95:891-900.