Football Injury Prevention – Fifa 11+

football injury prevention

The football season is stepping into full swing once again, and it is important to know that football injury prevention via sports conditioning is effective. Developed in 2009 and rapidly utilised worldwide, the Fifa 11 + Injury Prevention Program has consistently demonstrated injury reductions of 30-50% when implemented at least twice a week. The Fifa 11 + is designed to improve lower limb and core strength, develop neuromuscular control and body awareness to significantly reduce injury.

The warm up program follows a progressive number of exercises from running, to strengthening and balance that is both individual and partner focused. The program identified the most common mechanisms behind common football injuries, such as rapid changes of directions with insufficient knee control and ACL rupture. Through a 3 part program it aims to address and change the factors that contributed to the injury mechanism – retraining movement patterns, body awareness, core strength and control.

So what does Fifa 11 + involve?

Part 1: Running exercises

Part 2: Strength, Plyometrics, Balance.

Part 3: High level running exercise.

In total, the Fifa 11+ only takes 20 minutes to complete, with minimal equipment and space requirements. It can be completed individually, or as part of a team, with a number of exercises partner focused to challenge proprioception, balance and agility.

The Fifa 11+ program is a tool we advocate for our football players over the age of 12. If you have any questions regarding the program, how you can implement it, or where to begin, feel free to email us. If you are serious about football then your team should be doing the FIFA 11+ before each training. For an individualised football training program, book an appointment with one of our physiotherapist’s.

Watch our Facebook and Instagram over the next month for video and comments on each of the exercises in Part 2 of the FIFA 11+.